bescherming • onderhoud • therapie
PRO-VET® Intestinal
Verrijkt met Gechelateerd Essentiële Aminozuren
Rijk aan Prebiotica (FOS+MOS)
Verhoogde elektrolytinhoud
Verrijkt met fermenteerbare vezels
Natuurlijke antioxidanten mengsel
PRO-VET® Intestinal compleet en gebalanceerd droog dieetvoer voor kittens (vanaf 3 maanden) en volwassen katten van alle rassen met gastro-intestinale aandoeningen, ter vermindering van acute intestinale absorptiestoornissen.
Diarrhea – is an abnormally frequent, unformed stool. In most cases, increased intestinal motility is observed. As a rule, overeating leads to this. In this case, an overflow of the colon and an accelerated withdrawal of the chyme to the lower sections of the colon occurs. Diarrhea is the most common sign of bowel disease. Food passes through the small intestine in about 8 hours; it absorbs 80% of water and most of the nutrients. In the colon, concentration and accumulation of metabolic products occurs. Finally, a well-formed stool is removed from the intestines. Normally, there is no mucus, blood or undigested food in it. The passage of chyme in the intestinal tract is accelerated for several reasons. When food passes quickly through the intestines, it is not completely digested and enters the rectum in liquid form. This mechanism is the cause of most diarrhea occurring in a short period of time.
Irritant substances that cause diarrhea by cats include carrion, rodents and birds; garbage and spoiled products; fatty foods, salt, vegetable oils and animal fat; wood chips, rags, grass, paper and plastic.
Since cats are extremely picky about food, toxic poisoning is extremely rare. Often such poisoning occurs by accident – when caring for their coat or paws. These substances also irritate the stomach and cause vomiting.
Some cats (and sometimes kittens) do not have the lactose enzyme, which curdles milk, so they do not absorb it as well as some dairy products. Since in this case the lactose is not absorbed, it prevents the reabsorption of water in the small intestine, what makes the cat to defecate more frequently and in larger volume.
In some cases, there is intolerance or allergy to certain products. Sometimes minor deviations in the cat’s diet can cause diarrhea.
Diarrhea can also be of a psycho-emotional cause: due to over-excitation or fear, for example, at an exhibition or at the veterinarian.
When trying to investigate the causes of diarrhea, it is necessary to decide whether the disease is localized in the small or large intestine. Start by examining the color, texture, smell and frequency of bowel movements, as well as the general condition of the cat.
- Normally, the colour of the stool is brown.
- Yellow or greenish stools indicate a rapid passage (small intestine).
- Black, tarry colour indicates bleeding in the upper digestive tract.
- Bloody stool (blood or vein) indicate bleeding in the large intestine.
- Doughy, light stools indicate the absence of bile (liver disease).
- Abundant, gray, with the rancid smell of stool indicates a violation of digestion or absorption.
- Soft voluminous stool indicates overeating or eating foods high in fiber.
- Watery stool indicates irritation of the wall of the small intestine (severe infections and toxins, for example, acute enteritis) with rapid passage of intestinal contents and violation of its absorption.
- Foamy/frothy stool indicates the probability of an infection.
- Fatty stool (often with oily hair around the anus) indicates malabsorption – damage to the pancreas (malabsorption).
- The more watery the stool, the sharper the fetid smell.
- Food-like smell, or soured milk smell – due to accelerated passage and malabsorption, for example, overfeeding puppies.
- Putrid smell – probability of an intestinal infection or the presence of blood in the feces (for example, panleukopenia in cats).
- Several times per hour, in small portions, with tension – presumably colitis (inflammation of the colon).
- Three or four times a day, in large portions – presumably malabsorption or disorder of the small intestine.
- A week or longer – speaks of a chronic disease, for example: colitis, inflammation of the intestines, parasitic infestation or malabsorption syndrome.
Diarrhea – is a symptom, not a disease. First of all, exclude milk and dairy products from your dog’s diet – this will not affect its diet, since the absence of such products will not affect the cat. Diarrhea, associated with overfeeding, which is characterized by a single, abundant, loose stool, can be stopped by reducing the amount of food, and a three-time feeding in small portions. If diarrhea is associated with a change of water, use the water that is usual for the dog. If it is associated with the consumption of irritating and toxic substances, it is necessary to identify them, as specific antidotes may be required.
Food allergies or food intolerances, can be eliminated by the removal of specific products from the dog food, and in this case, we recommend you to use the medical diet PRO-VET® Intestinal. After the stopping of diarrhea, the dog should be put on a diet or normal dry food should gradually be introduced, trying to identify the allergen. If it is identified, it should be excluded from the dog’s menu. Diarrhea lasting more than 24 hours requires emergency assistance of a veterinarian, since this leads to dehydration of the body, threatening with a collapse (acute vascular insufficiency, which occurs with sudden onset of weakness due to insufficient blood supply to the brain caused by a decrease in the amount of circulating blood) and shock. If there is bloody diarrhea or it is accompanied by vomiting, emergency care of a veterinarian is also required. Also, to investigate the cause of diarrhea that lasts more than a week, requires special methods of examination and dynamic observation of the veterinarian.
Beschikbare probiotica en prebiotica. | Helpen het immuun-systeem te versterken, maag- en darmproblemen te verminderen en een gezonde balans van bacteriën in de darmflora te creëren. |
Psylliumvezel Werkzame stof: psylliumzaad | Worden gebruikt ter verbetering van de stoelgang en hebben een vergelijkbare werking als lijnzaad. |
Extra hoog gehalte aan prebiotica FOS+MOS | Binden zich aan problematische darm-bacteriën, waardoor deze zich niet aan de darmwand hechten. Worden gefer-menteerd door de positieve bacteriën in de darmen, wat gunstig is voor de groei van positieve bacteriën in de darm, waarbij de darmgezondheid ondersteund wordt. |
Hoog gehalte aan fermenteerbare vezels en elektrolyten. | Helpen in geval van dunne ontlasting het verlies van elektrolyten te compenseren. |
Hoogwaardige en licht verteerbare eiwitbronnen. | Helpen voedselintoleranties te verminderen en diarree tegen te gaan. |
Rijk aan meervoudig onverzadigde vetzuren van de omega-3 familie (EPA+DHA) | Stimuleert de immuunfunctie. Verbetert de huid bij atopische aandoeningen. Vermindert het risico op kanker, nierziekte en gewrichtsaandoeningen. |
Average content of protein and fat and high content of carbohydrate. | Promotes the absorption of nutrients. |
Rijk aan vezelstoffen met hoge viscositeit (FHV) | Minder risico op diabetes en haarballen. Stimuleren de darmmotiliteit en bevorderen de consistentie van de ontlasting. |
Rijk aan vezelstoffen met lage viscositeit (FLV) | Bevorderen de darmmotiliteit en controleren haarbalvorming |
Toegevoegde Yucca extract | Yucca Schidigera extract vermindert de vorming van stikstofverbindingen (ammoniak, ureum, nitrieten en nitraten) en vermindert de uitstoot van schadelijke gassen en de onaangename geur van uitwerpselen en urine. Bovendien wordt door Yucca Schidigera extract ook de opname van voedingsstoffen beter, hetgeen weer een positieve invloed heeft op de darmflora. Natuurlijke vegetatie substraat Yucca Schidigera kenmerkt zich door zijn unieke anti-artritis-, anti-onstekings- en schimmelwerende eigenschappen en wordt aanbevolen voor de preventie van dysbacteriosis, darmklachten en overmatige gasvorming. Het extract bevat een aanzienlijke hoeveelheid vitamine C, bèta-caroteen (provitamine A), calcium (Ca), ijzer (Fe), magnesium (Mg), niacine (vitamine B3), vitamine (PP), fosfor (P) en B-vitamines. |
gedehydreerde kipproteïne, maïs, rijst, gedehydreerde zalmproteïne, maïsgluten, erwtjes, kippenvet, gehydrolyseerde kipproteïne, lijnzaad, mineralen, gedroogde bietenpulp, gedroogde cichoreiwortelextract (natuurlijke bron van inuline en fructooligosaccharide (prebioticum (FOS)) (5g/kg), gehydrolyseerde gist (natuurlijke bron van bèta-glucanen en mannanoligosacchariden (prebioticum (MOS)) (5g/kg), zalmolie, gezuiverde plantaardige vezels (lignocellulose), gedroogde appels (rijk aan pectines), psylliumschil, gedroogde kruiden (Yucca Schidigera, peterselie, rozemarijn, brandnetel, kamille, paardenbloem, salie, koriander, zoethout, goudsbloem), pompoenpitten.
Antioxidanten: Verrijkt met oxidatie tegengaande stof, sterk tocopherol-houdend extract (vitamine E) van natuurlijke oorsprong (van plantaardige oliën). PRO-VET® oroducten voldoen aan de standaarden van AAFCO, NRC en FEDIAF. Bevat géén kunstmatige smaakstoffen of kleurstoffen.
Analytische bestanddelen/kg | Nutritionele toevoegingsmiddelen/kg | ||
Vocht Ruwe proteïne Ruw vet Ruwe as Ruw vezel Calcium (Ca) Fosfor (P) Natrium (Na) Magnesium (Mg) Chloride (Cl) Sulfur (S) Kalium (К) Lysine Methionine Cystine Treonine Tryptophaan Linolzuur (ω6) Linoleenzuur (ω3) Arachidonzuur (ω3) EPA (ω3) eicosapentaeenzuur DHA (ω3) docosahexaeenzuur Koolhydraten | 8.00 % 30.0 % 11.0 % 6.00 % 2.00 % 0.80 % 0.70 % 6.00 g 0.80 g 0.10 g 0.30 g 9.00 g 15.0 g 6.00 g 3.80 g 11.2 g 2.50 g 27.0 g 2.60 g 0.30 g 1.50 g 1.50 g Y 28.80 % | Vitamine A Vitamine D3 Vitamine E Vitamine B1 Vitamine B2 Vitamine B6 Vitamine B12 Vitamine C Niacine Biotine Choline Folium zuur Pantotheenzuur | 20.000 IU 1.500 IU 150 mg 10.0 mg 8.50 mg 6.00 mg 45.0 μg 100 mg 53.0 mg 225 μg 750 mg 4.50 mg 23.0 mg |
Energie 3787 Kcal/kg [15.9 MJ/kg]
urine pH = ca 6
Vitamine A (retinylacetaat)
Vitamine D3 (cholecalciferol)
Vitamine E (all-rac-аlfa-tocoferolacetaat)
Zink (Zn) 63 mg/kg
(zinksulfaat monohydraat / zinkchelaat van aminozuren hydraat)
Ijzer (Fe) 50 mg/kg
(ijzer(II)sulfaat monohydraat / ijzer(II) chelaat van aminozuren hydraat)
Mangaan (Mn) 30 mg/kg
(mangaan(II)sulfaat monohydraat / mangaan(II) chelaat van aminozuren hydraat)
Koper (Cu) 13 mg/kg
(koper(II)sulfaat pentahydraat / koper(II) chelaat van aminozuren hydraat)
Jodium (I) (calciumjodaat, watervrij) 1.50 mg/kg
Overige nutritionele toevoegingsmiddelen:
L-Carnitine 100 mg/kg
ß-Caroteen 100 mg/kg
Taurine 1.500 mg/kg
DL-Methionine 5.000 mg/kg
Gewicht | Dagrantsoen | |
2 kg | 30 – 40 g | |
3 kg | 40 – 55 g | |
4 kg | 50 – 70 g | |
5 kg | 60 – 85 g | |
>6 kg | 10 – 15 g/kg |
U kunt een dierenarts raadplegen voordat u dit dieet gebruikt of voortzet. De aanbevolen gebruiksduur van dit dieet in geval van vermindering van acute intestinale absorptiestoornissen, alsook bij acute diarree of tijdens de daaropvolgende herstel-periode, is 1-2 weken* De aanbevolen gebruiksduur ter compensatie van een slechte spijsvertering is 3-12 weken, maar levenslang bij chronische pancreasinsufficiëntie*
750g EAN
3kg EAN 8717496486387
While dry food will not spoil as rapidly as other types of food, it does not last indefinitely. Always make sure that you use such foods before the expiration date. Keep the food dry and store it inside the bag it came in; we design the bags to resist moisture and airflow. The best way to store a large bag of dog or cat food is to place the original bag inside a clean plastic pail or container with a secure lid. Do not store dry food in humid rooms, as damp conditions will accelerate spoiling. Always roll the top of the bag down tightly and cinch it closed with a clip. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that pet owners keep dry foods and treats in locations that do not exceed 23 °C (degrees Calsius) or 74 °F (degrees Fahrenheit).
Een gezonde kat is een gelukkige kat.